Friday, November 19, 2010

W00T!! My Book is Out!!

11:28 AM | , ,

Okay, enough of the exclamation marks. My book, A Perfect Bride for Christmas came out November 12th. It's published through The Wild Rose Press and you can find it on or and Borders Books. Check it out.

Now that the commercial is over, let me tell you, I'm flying high right now. There may be a time when I fall to earth, but for now, I'll spend a few days soaring. The reviews have been positive for a first time author. I still can't believe it when I see the cover and know it's out there for the public to read. Wow. I've been holding my feelings close to my chest for so long, and now, all I can do is a little happy dance.

What happens when the dance is over? Work, lots of work. Marketing and promotion of the book, plus writing the next book and the next.

I'm getting ready to submit my paranormal after the first of the year. My beta readers will read my manuscript and give me an honest opinion. I don't expect them to o-o-o and ah over it. They will make me bleed. There will be lots of comments and suggestions on how to improve the story.
There must be a bit of a masochist in every writer. If there isn't, you'll never be able to stand the heat. That sounds kinky, but it's not. Maybe masochist is too strong a word. A writer has to be able to take criticism and roll with the punches. Once the beta readers are done, I look through their comments and assess what they've written. If one if them points out an inaccuracy in my facts, I'll change it. A couple of them might say my character needs a deeper point of view in a certain scene. I'll fix it. However, if only one of them dosen't like the color of my hero's hair or think the heroine is being silly-- well, I'll have to politely disagree and leave it as written. That's my prerogative as the author. Only time will tell who was right.

So, on top of soaring, writing a current novel, revising the older book, coming up with an outline for the third book in the series, and marketing, I'm trying to fit in a normal life. I'm coming to believe that this is a normal life for an writer. Whoever said being a published author was a piece of cake never got a book published. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Dyann Love Barr

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Claire Ashgrove said...

Piece of cake? HA!

But like you, I wouldn't trade it for the world either.

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